  1. Kubernetes/


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Kubernetes Prometheus Grafana AlterManager

1. 环境信息

1.1 集群信息

IP地址 主机名称 角色 K8S版本 Docker版本 k8s01 master v1.29.7 26.1.4 k8s02 worker v1.29.7 26.1.4 k8s03 worker v1.29.7 26.1.4

1.2 部署组件版本

序号 名称 版本 作用
1 Prometheus v2.33.5 收集、存储和处理指标数据
2 Node_exporter v0.16.0 采集服务器指标,如CPU、内存、磁盘、网络等
3 Kube-state-metrics v1.9.0 采集K8S资源指标,如Pod、Node、Deployment、Service等
4 Grafana v8.4.5 可视化展示Prometheus收集数据
5 webhook-dingtalk插件 ( 非容器化 ) v2.1.0 用于发送集群告警信息给钉钉机器人
6 AlterManager v0.23.0 建新的Prometheus ConfigMap资源清单,添加监控K8S集群告警规则

2. 准备工作

2.1 创建名称空间,下面所有资源都放到这里

kubectl create ns prometheus

2.2 创建ServiceAccount账号,并绑定cluster-admin集群角色(Prometheus中需要指定)

kubectl create serviceaccount prometheus -n prometheus

kubectl create clusterrolebinding prometheus-clusterrolebinding -n prometheus --clusterrole=cluster-admin  --serviceaccount=prometheus:prometheus

kubectl create clusterrolebinding prometheus-clusterrolebinding-1 -n prometheus --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=system:serviceaccount:prometheus:prometheus

2.3 创建Prometheus存放数据目录


mkdir -p /data/monitor_files/data/prometheus
chmod -R 777 /data/monitor_files/data/prometheus

2.4 创建Grafana存放数据目录


mkdir -p /data/monitor_files/data/grafana
chmod -R 777 /data/monitor_files/data/grafana

2.5 镜像版本说明


3. 部署Prometheus监控系统

3.1 创建 ConfigMap资源

  • kubectl applly -f prometheus-cfg.yaml
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
    app: prometheus
  name: prometheus-config
  namespace: prometheus
  prometheus.yml: |
      scrape_interval: 15s           # 采集目标主机监控据的时间间隔
      scrape_timeout: 10s            # 数据采集超时时间,默认10s
      evaluation_interval: 1m        # 触发告警检测的时间,默认是1m
    - job_name: 'kubernetes-node'
      kubernetes_sd_configs:          # 基于K8S的服务发现
      - role: node                    # 使用node模式服务发现
      relabel_configs:                # 正则匹配
      - source_labels: [__address__]  # 匹配带有IP的标签
        regex: '(.*):10250'           # 10250端口(kubelet端口)
        replacement: '${1}:9100'      # 替换成9100
        target_label: __address__
        action: replace
      - action: labelmap
        regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
    - job_name: 'kubernetes-node-cadvisor' # cadvisor容器用于收集和提供有关节点上运行的容器的资源使用情况和性能指标
      - role:  node
      scheme: https
        ca_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
      bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
      - action: labelmap   # 把匹配到的标签保留
        regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+) # 保留匹配到的具有__meta_kubernetes_node_label的标签
      - target_label: __address__               
        replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
        regex: (.+)
        target_label: __metrics_path__
        replacement: /api/v1/nodes/${1}/proxy/metrics/cadvisor
    - job_name: 'kubernetes-apiserver'
      - role: endpoints
      scheme: https
        ca_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
      bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace, __meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
        action: keep
        regex: default;kubernetes;https
    - job_name: 'kubernetes-service-endpoints'
      - role: endpoints   # 使用k8s中的endpoint模式服务发现
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
        action: keep      # 采集满足条件的实例,其他实例不采集
        regex: true
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
        action: replace
        target_label: __scheme__
        regex: (https?)
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
        action: replace
        target_label: __metrics_path__
        regex: (.+)
      - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
        action: replace
        target_label: __address__
        regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
        replacement: $1:$2
      - action: labelmap
        regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
        action: replace
        target_label: kubernetes_namespace
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
        action: replace
        target_label: kubernetes_name    

3.2 创建 Deployment资源

  • kubectl apply -f prometheus-deploy.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: prometheus-server
  namespace: prometheus
    app: prometheus
  replicas: 1
      app: prometheus
      component: server
        app: prometheus
        component: server
        prometheus.io/scrape: 'false'
      nodeName: k8s01                # 调度到k8s01节点
      serviceAccountName: prometheus  # 指定sa服务账号
      - name: prometheus
        image: prom/prometheus:v2.33.5
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        command:                       # 启动时运行的命令
          - prometheus
          - --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml  # 指定配置文件
          - --storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus               # 数据存放目录
          - --storage.tsdb.retention=720h                 # 暴露720小时(30天)
          - --web.enable-lifecycle                        # 开启热加载
        - containerPort: 9090
          protocol: TCP
        - mountPath: /etc/prometheus       # 将prometheus-config卷挂载至/etc/prometheus
          name: prometheus-config
        - mountPath: /prometheus/
          name: prometheus-storage-volume
        #- name: localtime
        #  mountPath: /etc/localtime
        #- name: localtime
            #path: /etc/localtime
            #type: File
        - name: prometheus-config          # 将prometheus-config做成卷
            name: prometheus-config
        - name: prometheus-storage-volume 
           path: /data/monitor_files/data/prometheus
           type: Directory


3.3 创建 Service资源

  • kubectl apply -f prometheus-svc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: prometheus-svc
  namespace: prometheus
    app: prometheus
  type: NodePort
    - port: 9090
      targetPort: 9090
      nodePort: 31090
      protocol: TCP
    app: prometheus
    component: server

4. 部署Node_exporter组件

  • kubectl apply -f node-export.yaml
    • tolerations: 如果master节点不允许调度,则需使用此项配置
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: node-exporter
  namespace: prometheus
    name: node-exporter
     name: node-exporter
        name: node-exporter
      hostPID: true
      hostIPC: true
      # 使用物理机IP地址(调度到那个节点,就使用该节点IP地址)
      hostNetwork: true
      - name: node-exporter
        image: prom/node-exporter:v0.16.0
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        # 暴露端口
        - containerPort: 9100
            cpu: 0.15
          privileged: true
        - --path.procfs
        - /host/proc
        - --path.sysfs
        - /host/sys
        - --collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points
        - '"^/(sys|proc|dev|host|etc)($|/)"'
        - name: dev
          mountPath: /host/dev
        - name: proc
          mountPath: /host/proc
        - name: sys
          mountPath: /host/sys
        - name: rootfs
          mountPath: /rootfs
        - name: localtime
          mountPath: /etc/localtime
      # 指定容忍度,允许调度到master节点
      - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/master"
        operator: "Exists"
        effect: "NoSchedule"
        - name: proc
            path: /proc
        - name: dev
            path: /dev
        - name: sys
            path: /sys
        - name: rootfs
            path: /
        - name: localtime
            path: /etc/localtime
            type: File

5. 部署Kube_state_metrics组件

  • kubectl apply -f kube-state-metrics.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: kube-state-metrics
  namespace: prometheus
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
  name: kube-state-metrics
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["nodes", "pods", "services", "resourcequotas", "replicationcontrollers", "limitranges", "persistentvolumeclaims", "persistentvolumes", "namespaces", "endpoints"]
  verbs: ["list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: ["extensions"]
  resources: ["daemonsets", "deployments", "replicasets"]
  verbs: ["list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: ["apps"]
  resources: ["statefulsets"]
  verbs: ["list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: ["batch"]
  resources: ["cronjobs", "jobs"]
  verbs: ["list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: ["autoscaling"]
  resources: ["horizontalpodautoscalers"]
  verbs: ["list", "watch"]
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: kube-state-metrics
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: kube-state-metrics
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: kube-state-metrics
  namespace: prometheus
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: kube-state-metrics
  namespace: prometheus
  replicas: 1
      app: kube-state-metrics
        app: kube-state-metrics
      serviceAccountName: kube-state-metrics
      - name: kube-state-metrics
        image: bitnami/kube-state-metrics:1.9.8
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - containerPort: 8080
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'
  name: kube-state-metrics
  namespace: prometheus
    app: kube-state-metrics
  - name: kube-state-metrics
    port: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    app: kube-state-metrics

6. 部署Grafana可视化平台


  • kubectl apply -f grafana.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: grafana-server
  namespace: prometheus
  replicas: 1
      task: monitoring
      k8s-app: grafana
        task: monitoring
        k8s-app: grafana
      nodeName: k8s01 # 部署到k8s01节点
      - name: grafana
        image: grafana/grafana:8.4.5
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - containerPort: 3000
          protocol: TCP
        - mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs
          name: ca-certificates
          readOnly: true
        - mountPath: /var
          name: grafana-storage
        - mountPath: /var/lib/grafana/
          name: lib
        #- name: localtime
         #mountPath: /etc/localtime
        - name: INFLUXDB_HOST
          value: monitoring-influxdb
        - name: GF_SERVER_HTTP_PORT
          value: "3000"
          # The following env variables are required to make Grafana accessible via
          # the kubernetes api-server proxy. On production clusters, we recommend
          # removing these env variables, setup auth for grafana, and expose the grafana
          # service using a LoadBalancer or a public IP.
        - name: GF_AUTH_BASIC_ENABLED
          value: "false"
          value: "true"
          value: Admin
        - name: GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL
          # If you're only using the API Server proxy, set this value instead:
          # value: /api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/monitoring-grafana/proxy
          value: /
      #- name: localtime
          #path: /etc/localtime
      - name: ca-certificates
          path: /etc/ssl/certs
      - name: grafana-storage
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: lib
         path: /data/monitor_files/data/grafana/
         type: DirectoryOrCreate
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    # For use as a Cluster add-on (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/cluster/addons)
    # If you are NOT using this as an addon, you should comment out this line.
    kubernetes.io/cluster-service: 'true'
    kubernetes.io/name: monitoring-grafana
  name: grafana-svc
  namespace: prometheus
  # In a production setup, we recommend accessing Grafana through an external Loadbalancer
  # or through a public IP.
  # type: LoadBalancer
  # You could also use NodePort to expose the service at a randomly-generated port
  # type: NodePort
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 3000
    nodePort: 31091
    k8s-app: grafana
  type: NodePort

6.1 浏览器访问:



6.2 Grafana接入Prometheus数据

6.2.1 点击 设置 > Data Sources > Add data source > 选择Prometheus


6.3 Grafana添加监控模板


序号 模板文件 备注
1 1860_rev32.json 服务器监控模板-1
2 node_exporter.json 服务器监控模板-2
3 docker_rev1.json Docker监控模板
4 Kubernetes-1577674936972.json K8S集群监控模板
5 Kubernetes-1577691996738.json K8S集群监控模板


  • 8171_rev1.json
  "__inputs": [
      "name": "DS_PROMETHEUS",
      "label": "Prometheus",
      "description": "You need to have node_exporter > 0.16 that gets scraped by prometheus",
      "type": "datasource",
      "pluginId": "prometheus",
      "pluginName": "Prometheus"
  "__requires": [
      "type": "grafana",
      "id": "grafana",
      "name": "Grafana",
      "version": "5.2.4"
      "type": "panel",
      "id": "graph",
      "name": "Graph",
      "version": "5.0.0"
      "type": "datasource",
      "id": "prometheus",
      "name": "Prometheus",
      "version": "5.0.0"
      "type": "panel",
      "id": "singlestat",
      "name": "Singlestat",
      "version": "5.0.0"
  "annotations": {
    "list": [
        "builtIn": 1,
        "datasource": "-- Grafana --",
        "enable": true,
        "hide": true,
        "iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)",
        "name": "Annotations & Alerts",
        "type": "dashboard"
  "description": "Kubernetes Nodes for node exporter 0.16+ (via Prometheus)\r\n",
  "editable": true,
  "gnetId": 8171,
  "graphTooltip": 0,
  "id": null,
  "iteration": 1538376371844,
  "links": [],
  "panels": [
      "aliasColors": {},
      "bars": false,
      "dashLength": 10,
      "dashes": false,
      "datasource": "${DS_PROMETHEUS}",
      "editable": true,
      "error": false,
      "fill": 1,
      "grid": {
        "threshold1Color": "rgba(216, 200, 27, 0.27)",
        "threshold2Color": "rgba(234, 112, 112, 0.22)"
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      "isNew": false,
      "legend": {
        "alignAsTable": false,
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      "targets": [
          "expr": "100 - (avg by (cpu) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode=\"idle\", instance=\"$server\"}[5m])) * 100)",
          "format": "time_series",
          "hide": false,
          "intervalFactor": 10,
          "legendFormat": "{{cpu}}",
          "refId": "A",
          "step": 50
      "thresholds": [],
      "timeFrom": null,
      "timeShift": null,
      "title": "Idle CPU",
      "tooltip": {
        "msResolution": false,
        "shared": true,
        "sort": 0,
        "value_type": "cumulative"
      "type": "graph",
      "xaxis": {
        "buckets": null,
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        "name": null,
        "show": true,
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      "yaxes": [
          "format": "percent",
          "label": "cpu usage",
          "logBase": 1,
          "max": 100,
          "min": 0,
          "show": true
          "format": "short",
          "logBase": 1,
          "show": true
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        "threshold1Color": "rgba(216, 200, 27, 0.27)",
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      "steppedLine": false,
      "targets": [
          "expr": "node_load1{instance=\"$server\"}",
          "intervalFactor": 4,
          "legendFormat": "load 1m",
          "refId": "A",
          "step": 20,
          "target": ""
          "expr": "node_load5{instance=\"$server\"}",
          "intervalFactor": 4,
          "legendFormat": "load 5m",
          "refId": "B",
          "step": 20,
          "target": ""
          "expr": "node_load15{instance=\"$server\"}",
          "intervalFactor": 4,
          "legendFormat": "load 15m",
          "refId": "C",
          "step": 20,
          "target": ""
      "thresholds": [],
      "timeFrom": null,
      "timeShift": null,
      "title": "System Load",
      "tooltip": {
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        "shared": true,
        "sort": 0,
        "value_type": "cumulative"
      "type": "graph",
      "xaxis": {
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        "mode": "time",
        "name": null,
        "show": true,
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          "format": "percentunit",
          "logBase": 1,
          "show": true
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          "logBase": 1,
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      "grid": {
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      "pointradius": 5,
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          "alias": "node_memory_SwapFree{instance=\"\",job=\"prometheus\"}",
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      "spaceLength": 10,
      "stack": true,
      "steppedLine": false,
      "targets": [
          "expr": "node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{instance=\"$server\"} - node_memory_MemFree_bytes{instance=\"$server\"} - node_memory_Buffers_bytes{instance=\"$server\"} - node_memory_Cached_bytes{instance=\"$server\"}",
          "format": "time_series",
          "hide": false,
          "interval": "",
          "intervalFactor": 2,
          "legendFormat": "memory used",
          "metric": "",
          "refId": "C",
          "step": 10
          "expr": "node_memory_Buffers_bytes{instance=\"$server\"}",
          "format": "time_series",
          "interval": "",
          "intervalFactor": 2,
          "legendFormat": "memory buffers",
          "metric": "",
          "refId": "E",
          "step": 10
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          "format": "time_series",
          "intervalFactor": 2,
          "legendFormat": "memory cached",
          "metric": "",
          "refId": "F",
          "step": 10
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          "format": "time_series",
          "intervalFactor": 2,
          "legendFormat": "memory free",
          "metric": "",
          "refId": "D",
          "step": 10
      "thresholds": [],
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      "timeShift": null,
      "title": "Memory Usage",
      "tooltip": {
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        "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)"
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      "editable": true,
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        "show": true,
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        "tagValuesQuery": "",
        "tagsQuery": "",
        "type": "query",
        "useTags": false
        "current": {},
        "datasource": {
          "type": "prometheus",
          "uid": "${datasource}"
        "definition": "label_values(node_uname_info{job=\"$job\"}, instance)",
        "hide": 0,
        "includeAll": false,
        "label": "Host",
        "multi": false,
        "name": "node",
        "options": [],
        "query": {
          "query": "label_values(node_uname_info{job=\"$job\"}, instance)",
          "refId": "Prometheus-node-Variable-Query"
        "refresh": 1,
        "regex": "",
        "skipUrlSync": false,
        "sort": 1,
        "tagValuesQuery": "",
        "tagsQuery": "",
        "type": "query",
        "useTags": false
        "current": {
          "selected": false,
          "text": "[a-z]+|nvme[0-9]+n[0-9]+|mmcblk[0-9]+",
          "value": "[a-z]+|nvme[0-9]+n[0-9]+|mmcblk[0-9]+"
        "hide": 2,
        "includeAll": false,
        "multi": false,
        "name": "diskdevices",
        "options": [
            "selected": true,
            "text": "[a-z]+|nvme[0-9]+n[0-9]+|mmcblk[0-9]+",
            "value": "[a-z]+|nvme[0-9]+n[0-9]+|mmcblk[0-9]+"
        "query": "[a-z]+|nvme[0-9]+n[0-9]+|mmcblk[0-9]+",
        "skipUrlSync": false,
        "type": "custom"
  "time": {
    "from": "now-24h",
    "to": "now"
  "timepicker": {
    "refresh_intervals": [
    "time_options": [
  "timezone": "browser",
  "title": "Node Exporter Full",
  "uid": "rYdddlPWk",
  "version": 92,
  "weekStart": ""

6.3.1 我以导入 1860_rev37.json 服务器监控模板为例子演示:


  • 此处警告是因为已经导入过一次模板,请忽略


  • 效果展示


6.4 拓展

6.4.1 Prometheus热加载

curl -XPOST

6.4.2 新增监控Service服务

问:为什么我添加的Service服务,在Prometheus中查看不到???? 答:在Service中添加注解才可以被Prometheus发现,如下图,这是我们定义的ConfigMap内容:


案例:以上面定义的prometheus-svc 为例子,添加prometheus_io_scrape注解。

  • kubectl apply -f prometheus-svc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: prometheus-svc
  namespace: prometheus
    app: prometheus
    prometheus_io_scrape: "true"  # 注解,有这个才可以被Prometheus发现
  type: NodePort
    - port: 9090
      targetPort: 9090
      nodePort: 31090
      protocol: TCP
    app: prometheus
    component: server
  • 热加载promethus
curl -XPOST



6.4.3 prometheus配置注意项:

  • scrape_interval采集时间的值,要小于evaluation_interval发送告警的值,比如 scrape_interval5分钟采集一次
  • evaluation_interval是1分钟告警一次,这样会产生5条告警,因为 scrape_interval是10分钟采集一次,而scrape_interval告警的是旧的值。


7. 钉钉群创建报警机器人

注意:由于钉钉自从 2023-08-24日启,只有钉钉内部群才可以添加机器人,我这边没有可实验的内部群,所以我这边使用之前申请好的机器人进行实验,申请钉钉机器人大概流程如下:
流程:群设置 > 机器人 > 添加机器人 > 自定义 > 添加






8. 安装Webhook-dingtalk插件

8.1 安装webhook-dingtalk插件

wget https://github.com/timonwong/prometheus-webhook-dingtalk/releases/download/v2.1.0/prometheus-webhook-dingtalk-2.1.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz

tar zxf prometheus-webhook-dingtalk-2.1.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz 
mv prometheus-webhook-dingtalk-2.1.0.linux-amd64 /usr/local/webhook-dingtalk

8.2 配置webhook-dingtalk使用systemd管理

cp /usr/local/webhook-dingtalk/config.example.yml /usr/local/webhook-dingtalk/config.yml
vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/webhook.service


ExecStart=/usr/local/webhook-dingtalk/prometheus-webhook-dingtalk --config.file=/usr/local/webhook-dingtalk/config.yml


8.3 启动 && 开机自启

systemctl enable webhook.service --now
systemctl status webhook.service 

netstat -anput |grep 8060

9. 配置Webhook-dingtalk插件对接钉钉群

9.1 Webhook-dingtalk配置相对比较简单,只改以下三处即可,如下图:

  • 加签秘钥、webhook地址是咱们在钉钉创建机器人时获取的!
vim /usr/local/webhook-dingtalk/config.yml

  - /usr/local/webhook-dingtalk/template.tmpl   # 告警模板路径

    url: https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=7e46e35df484997705fd0d95c455425eec593c730755ef5d3b770282565ef9b9   # webhook地址
    secret: SECfbe824b46245364e321d2b083ceb5606a53f2faedc69161f5391b80316f9094c # 加签秘钥

9.2 添加钉钉报警模板

vim /usr/local/webhook-dingtalk/template.tmpl

{{ define "__subject" }}
[{{ .Status | toUpper }}{{ if eq .Status "firing" }}:{{ .Alerts.Firing | len }}{{ end }}]
{{ end }}
{{ define "__alert_list" }}{{ range . }}
{{ if .Labels.owner }}@{{ .Labels.owner }}{{ end }}
**告警主题**: {{ .Annotations.summary }}

**告警类型**: {{ .Labels.alertname }}
**告警级别**: {{ .Labels.severity }} 
**告警主机**: {{ .Labels.instance }} 
**告警信息**: {{ index .Annotations "description" }}
**告警时间**: {{ dateInZone "2006.01.02 15:04:05" (.StartsAt) "Asia/Shanghai" }}
{{ end }}{{ end }}
{{ define "__resolved_list" }}{{ range . }}
{{ if .Labels.owner }}@{{ .Labels.owner }}{{ end }}

**告警主题**: {{ .Annotations.summary }}

**告警类型**: {{ .Labels.alertname }} 
**告警级别**: {{ .Labels.severity }}
**告警主机**: {{ .Labels.instance }}
**告警信息**: {{ index .Annotations "description" }}
**告警时间**: {{ dateInZone "2006.01.02 15:04:05" (.StartsAt) "Asia/Shanghai" }}
**恢复时间**: {{ dateInZone "2006.01.02 15:04:05" (.EndsAt) "Asia/Shanghai" }}
{{ end }}{{ end }}
{{ define "default.title" }}
{{ template "__subject" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "default.content" }}
{{ if gt (len .Alerts.Firing) 0 }}
**====侦测到{{ .Alerts.Firing | len  }}个故障====**
{{ template "__alert_list" .Alerts.Firing }}
{{ end }}
{{ if gt (len .Alerts.Resolved) 0 }}
**====恢复{{ .Alerts.Resolved | len  }}个故障====**
{{ template "__resolved_list" .Alerts.Resolved }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "ding.link.title" }}{{ template "default.title" . }}{{ end }}
{{ define "ding.link.content" }}{{ template "default.content" . }}{{ end }}
{{ template "default.title" . }}
{{ template "default.content" . }}


systemctl restart webhook
systemctl status webhook

10. 配置AlterManager告警发送至Webhook-dingtalk

10.1 创建AlterManager ConfigMap资源清单

  • kubectl apply -f alertmanager-cm.yaml
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: alertmanager
  namespace: prometheus
  alertmanager.yml: |-
      resolve_timeout: 1m
      smtp_smarthost: 'imap.jshcbd.com.cn:993'
      smtp_from: 'xxx@jshcbd.com.cn'
      smtp_auth_username: 'xxx@jshcbd.com.cn'
      smtp_auth_password: 'xxxxx'
      smtp_require_tls: false
      group_by: [alertname]
      group_wait: 10s
      group_interval: 10s
      repeat_interval: 10m
      receiver: dingding.webhook1   # 告警发送到dingding.webhook1路由
    - name: 'dingding.webhook1'  # 定义dingding.webhook1路由
      - url: '' # webhook-dingtalk访问的IP+端口
        send_resolved: true    

11. Prometheus接入AlterManager配置

11.1 创建新的Prometheus ConfigMap资源清单,添加监控K8S集群告警规则

  • kubectl apply -f prometheus-alertmanager-cfg.yaml
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
    app: prometheus
  name: prometheus-config
  namespace: prometheus
  prometheus.yml: |
    - /etc/prometheus/rules.yml   # 告警规则位置
      - static_configs:
        - targets: ["localhost:9093"] # 接入AlterManager
      scrape_interval: 15s
      scrape_timeout: 10s
      evaluation_interval: 1m
    - job_name: 'kubernetes-node'
      - role: node
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        regex: '(.*):10250'
        replacement: '${1}:9100'
        target_label: __address__
        action: replace
      - action: labelmap
        regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
    - job_name: 'kubernetes-node-cadvisor'
      - role:  node
      scheme: https
        ca_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
      bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
      - action: labelmap
        regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
      - target_label: __address__
        replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
        regex: (.+)
        target_label: __metrics_path__
        replacement: /api/v1/nodes/${1}/proxy/metrics/cadvisor
    - job_name: 'kubernetes-apiserver'
      - role: endpoints
      scheme: https
        ca_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
      bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace, __meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
        action: keep
        regex: default;kubernetes;https
    - job_name: 'kubernetes-service-endpoints'
      - role: endpoints
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
        action: keep
        regex: true
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
        action: replace
        target_label: __scheme__
        regex: (https?)
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
        action: replace
        target_label: __metrics_path__
        regex: (.+)
      - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
        action: replace
        target_label: __address__
        regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
        replacement: $1:$2
      - action: labelmap
        regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
        action: replace
        target_label: kubernetes_namespace
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
        action: replace
        target_label: kubernetes_name 
    - job_name: 'kubernetes-pods'    # 监控Pod配置,添加注解后才可以被发现
      - role: pod
      - action: keep
        regex: true
        - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape
      - action: replace
        regex: (.+)
        - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path
        target_label: __metrics_path__
      - action: replace
        regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
        replacement: $1:$2
        - __address__
        - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port
        target_label: __address__
      - action: labelmap
        regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
      - action: replace
        - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
        target_label: kubernetes_namespace
      - action: replace
        - __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
        target_label: kubernetes_pod_name
    - job_name: 'kubernetes-etcd'   # 监控etcd配置
      scheme: https
        ca_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/k8s-certs/etcd/ca.crt
        cert_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/k8s-certs/etcd/server.crt
        key_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/k8s-certs/etcd/server.key
      scrape_interval: 5s
      - targets: ['']    
  rules.yml: |  # K8S集群告警规则配置文件
    - name: example
      - alert: apiserver的cpu使用率大于80%
        expr: rate(process_cpu_seconds_total{job=~"kubernetes-apiserver"}[1m]) * 100 > 80
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}组件的cpu使用率超过80%"
      - alert:  apiserver的cpu使用率大于90%
        expr: rate(process_cpu_seconds_total{job=~"kubernetes-apiserver"}[1m]) * 100 > 90
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}组件的cpu使用率超过90%"
      - alert: etcd的cpu使用率大于80%
        expr: rate(process_cpu_seconds_total{job=~"kubernetes-etcd"}[1m]) * 100 > 80
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}组件的cpu使用率超过80%"
      - alert:  etcd的cpu使用率大于90%
        expr: rate(process_cpu_seconds_total{job=~"kubernetes-etcd"}[1m]) * 100 > 90
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}组件的cpu使用率超过90%"
      - alert: kube-state-metrics的cpu使用率大于80%
        expr: rate(process_cpu_seconds_total{k8s_app=~"kube-state-metrics"}[1m]) * 100 > 80
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.k8s_app}}组件的cpu使用率超过80%"
          value: "{{ $value }}%"
          threshold: "80%"      
      - alert: kube-state-metrics的cpu使用率大于90%
        expr: rate(process_cpu_seconds_total{k8s_app=~"kube-state-metrics"}[1m]) * 100 > 0
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.k8s_app}}组件的cpu使用率超过90%"
          value: "{{ $value }}%"
          threshold: "90%"      
      - alert: coredns的cpu使用率大于80%
        expr: rate(process_cpu_seconds_total{k8s_app=~"kube-dns"}[1m]) * 100 > 80
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.k8s_app}}组件的cpu使用率超过80%"
          value: "{{ $value }}%"
          threshold: "80%"      
      - alert: coredns的cpu使用率大于90%
        expr: rate(process_cpu_seconds_total{k8s_app=~"kube-dns"}[1m]) * 100 > 90
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.k8s_app}}组件的cpu使用率超过90%"
          value: "{{ $value }}%"
          threshold: "90%"      
      - alert: kube-proxy打开句柄数>600
        expr: process_open_fds{job=~"kubernetes-kube-proxy"}  > 600
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}打开句柄数>600"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kube-proxy打开句柄数>1000
        expr: process_open_fds{job=~"kubernetes-kube-proxy"}  > 1000
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}打开句柄数>1000"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kubernetes-schedule打开句柄数>600
        expr: process_open_fds{job=~"kubernetes-schedule"}  > 600
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}打开句柄数>600"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kubernetes-schedule打开句柄数>1000
        expr: process_open_fds{job=~"kubernetes-schedule"}  > 1000
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}打开句柄数>1000"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kubernetes-controller-manager打开句柄数>600
        expr: process_open_fds{job=~"kubernetes-controller-manager"}  > 600
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}打开句柄数>600"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kubernetes-controller-manager打开句柄数>1000
        expr: process_open_fds{job=~"kubernetes-controller-manager"}  > 1000
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}打开句柄数>1000"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kubernetes-apiserver打开句柄数>600
        expr: process_open_fds{job=~"kubernetes-apiserver"}  > 600
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}打开句柄数>600"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kubernetes-apiserver打开句柄数>1000
        expr: process_open_fds{job=~"kubernetes-apiserver"}  > 1000
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}打开句柄数>1000"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kubernetes-etcd打开句柄数>600
        expr: process_open_fds{job=~"kubernetes-etcd"}  > 600
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}打开句柄数>600"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kubernetes-etcd打开句柄数>1000
        expr: process_open_fds{job=~"kubernetes-etcd"}  > 1000
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          description: "{{$labels.instance}}的{{$labels.job}}打开句柄数>1000"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: coredns
        expr: process_open_fds{k8s_app=~"kube-dns"}  > 600
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning 
          description: "插件{{$labels.k8s_app}}({{$labels.instance}}): 打开句柄数超过600"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: coredns
        expr: process_open_fds{k8s_app=~"kube-dns"}  > 1000
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          description: "插件{{$labels.k8s_app}}({{$labels.instance}}): 打开句柄数超过1000"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kube-proxy
        expr: process_virtual_memory_bytes{job=~"kubernetes-kube-proxy"}  > 2000000000
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "组件{{$labels.job}}({{$labels.instance}}): 使用虚拟内存超过2G"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: scheduler
        expr: process_virtual_memory_bytes{job=~"kubernetes-schedule"}  > 2000000000
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "组件{{$labels.job}}({{$labels.instance}}): 使用虚拟内存超过2G"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kubernetes-controller-manager
        expr: process_virtual_memory_bytes{job=~"kubernetes-controller-manager"}  > 2000000000
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "组件{{$labels.job}}({{$labels.instance}}): 使用虚拟内存超过2G"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kubernetes-apiserver
        expr: process_virtual_memory_bytes{job=~"kubernetes-apiserver"}  > 2000000000
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "组件{{$labels.job}}({{$labels.instance}}): 使用虚拟内存超过2G"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kubernetes-etcd
        expr: process_virtual_memory_bytes{job=~"kubernetes-etcd"}  > 2000000000
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "组件{{$labels.job}}({{$labels.instance}}): 使用虚拟内存超过2G"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: kube-dns
        expr: process_virtual_memory_bytes{k8s_app=~"kube-dns"}  > 2000000000
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "插件{{$labels.k8s_app}}({{$labels.instance}}): 使用虚拟内存超过2G"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
      - alert: HttpRequestsAvg
        expr: sum(rate(rest_client_requests_total{job=~"kubernetes-kube-proxy|kubernetes-kubelet|kubernetes-schedule|kubernetes-control-manager|kubernetes-apiservers"}[1m]))  > 1000
        for: 2s
          team: admin
          description: "组件{{$labels.job}}({{$labels.instance}}): TPS超过1000"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
          threshold: "1000"   
      - alert: Pod_restarts
        expr: kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total{namespace=~"kube-system|default|monitor-sa"} > 0
        for: 2s
          severity: warnning
          description: "在{{$labels.namespace}}名称空间下发现{{$labels.pod}}这个pod下的容器{{$labels.container}}被重启,这个监控指标是由{{$labels.instance}}采集的"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
          threshold: "0"
      - alert: Pod_waiting
        expr: kube_pod_container_status_waiting_reason{namespace=~"kube-system|default"} == 1
        for: 2s
          team: admin
          description: "空间{{$labels.namespace}}({{$labels.instance}}): 发现{{$labels.pod}}下的{{$labels.container}}启动异常等待中"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
          threshold: "1"   
      - alert: Pod_terminated
        expr: kube_pod_container_status_terminated_reason{namespace=~"kube-system|default|monitor-sa"} == 1
        for: 2s
          team: admin
          description: "空间{{$labels.namespace}}({{$labels.instance}}): 发现{{$labels.pod}}下的{{$labels.container}}被删除"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
          threshold: "1"
      - alert: Etcd_leader
        expr: etcd_server_has_leader{job="kubernetes-etcd"} == 0
        for: 2s
          team: admin
          description: "组件{{$labels.job}}({{$labels.instance}}): 当前没有leader"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
          threshold: "0"
      - alert: Etcd_leader_changes
        expr: rate(etcd_server_leader_changes_seen_total{job="kubernetes-etcd"}[1m]) > 0
        for: 2s
          team: admin
          description: "组件{{$labels.job}}({{$labels.instance}}): 当前leader已发生改变"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
          threshold: "0"
      - alert: Etcd_failed
        expr: rate(etcd_server_proposals_failed_total{job="kubernetes-etcd"}[1m]) > 0
        for: 2s
          team: admin
          description: "组件{{$labels.job}}({{$labels.instance}}): 服务失败"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
          threshold: "0"
      - alert: Etcd_db_total_size
        expr: etcd_debugging_mvcc_db_total_size_in_bytes{job="kubernetes-etcd"} > 10000000000
        for: 2s
          team: admin
          description: "组件{{$labels.job}}({{$labels.instance}}):db空间超过10G"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
          threshold: "10G"
      - alert: Endpoint_ready
        expr: kube_endpoint_address_not_ready{namespace=~"kube-system|default"} == 1
        for: 2s
          team: admin
          description: "空间{{$labels.namespace}}({{$labels.instance}}): 发现{{$labels.endpoint}}不可用"
          value: "{{ $value }}"
          threshold: "1"
    - name: 物理节点状态-监控告警
      - alert: 物理节点cpu使用率
        expr: 100-avg(irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}[5m])) by(instance)*100 > 90
        for: 2s
          severity: ccritical
          summary: "{{ $labels.instance }}cpu使用率过高"
          description: "{{ $labels.instance }}的cpu使用率超过90%,当前使用率[{{ $value }}],需要排查处理" 
      - alert: 物理节点内存使用率
        expr: (node_memory_MemTotal_bytes - (node_memory_MemFree_bytes + node_memory_Buffers_bytes + node_memory_Cached_bytes)) / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes * 100 > 90
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          summary: "{{ $labels.instance }}内存使用率过高"
          description: "{{ $labels.instance }}的内存使用率超过90%,当前使用率[{{ $value }}],需要排查处理"
      - alert: InstanceDown
        expr: up == 0
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          summary: "{{ $labels.instance }}: 服务器宕机"
          description: "{{ $labels.instance }}: 服务器延时超过2分钟"
      - alert: 物理节点磁盘的IO性能
        expr: 100-(avg(irate(node_disk_io_time_seconds_total[1m])) by(instance)* 100) < 60
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          summary: "{{$labels.mountpoint}} 流入磁盘IO使用率过高!"
          description: "{{$labels.mountpoint }} 流入磁盘IO大于60%(目前使用:{{$value}})"
      - alert: 入网流量带宽
        expr: ((sum(rate (node_network_receive_bytes_total{device!~'tap.*|veth.*|br.*|docker.*|virbr*|lo*'}[5m])) by (instance)) / 100) > 102400
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          summary: "{{$labels.mountpoint}} 流入网络带宽过高!"
          description: "{{$labels.mountpoint }}流入网络带宽持续5分钟高于100M. RX带宽使用率{{$value}}"
      - alert: 出网流量带宽
        expr: ((sum(rate (node_network_transmit_bytes_total{device!~'tap.*|veth.*|br.*|docker.*|virbr*|lo*'}[5m])) by (instance)) / 100) > 102400
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          summary: "{{$labels.mountpoint}} 流出网络带宽过高!"
          description: "{{$labels.mountpoint }}流出网络带宽持续5分钟高于100M. RX带宽使用率{{$value}}"
      - alert: TCP会话
        expr: node_netstat_Tcp_CurrEstab > 1000
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          summary: "{{$labels.mountpoint}} TCP_ESTABLISHED过高!"
          description: "{{$labels.mountpoint }} TCP_ESTABLISHED大于1000%(目前使用:{{$value}}%)"
      - alert: 磁盘容量
        expr: 100-(node_filesystem_free_bytes{fstype=~"ext4|xfs"}/node_filesystem_size_bytes {fstype=~"ext4|xfs"}*100) > 80
        for: 2s
          severity: critical
          summary: "{{$labels.mountpoint}} 磁盘分区使用率过高!"
          description: "{{$labels.mountpoint }} 磁盘分区使用大于80%(目前使用:{{$value}}%)"

11.2 由于在prometheus中新增了etcd,所以生成一个etcd-certs,这个在部署prometheus时需要

kubectl -n prometheus create secret generic etcd-certs --from-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key  --from-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt --from-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt

12. 部署Prometheus+AlterManager(单Pod双容器模式)

12.1 在k8s01节点创建/data/monitor_files/data/alertmanager目录,存放alertmanager数据

mkdir  /data/monitor_files/data/alertmanager
chmod -R 777 /data/monitor_files/data/alertmanager

12.2 删除旧的prometheus deployment资源

kubectl delete deploy prometheus-server -n prometheus

12.3 创建prometheus&alertmanager的deployment资源

  • kubectl apply -f prometheus-alertmanager-deploy.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: prometheus-server
  namespace: prometheus
    app: prometheus
  replicas: 1
      app: prometheus
      component: server
    #- {key: app, operator: In, values: [prometheus]}
    #- {key: component, operator: In, values: [server]}
        app: prometheus
        component: server
        prometheus.io/scrape: 'false'
      nodeName: k8s01 # 调度到k8s0节点
      serviceAccountName: prometheus # 指定sa服务账号
      - name: prometheus
        image: prom/prometheus:v2.33.5
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - "/bin/prometheus"
        - "--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml"
        - "--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus"
        - "--storage.tsdb.retention=24h"
        - "--web.enable-lifecycle"
        - containerPort: 9090
          protocol: TCP
        - mountPath: /etc/prometheus
          name: prometheus-config
        - mountPath: /prometheus/
          name: prometheus-storage-volume
        - name: k8s-certs
          mountPath: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/k8s-certs/etcd/
      - name: alertmanager
        image: prom/alertmanager:v0.27.0
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - "--config.file=/etc/alertmanager/alertmanager.yml"
        - "--log.level=debug"
        - containerPort: 9093
          protocol: TCP
          name: alertmanager
        - name: alertmanager-config
          mountPath: /etc/alertmanager
        - name: alertmanager-storage
          mountPath: /alertmanager
        - name: localtime
          mountPath: /etc/localtime
        - name: prometheus-config
            name: prometheus-config
        - name: prometheus-storage-volume
           path: /data/monitor_files/data/prometheus
           type: Directory
        - name: k8s-certs
           secretName: etcd-certs
        - name: alertmanager-config
            name: alertmanager
        - name: alertmanager-storage
           path: /data/monitor_files/data/alertmanager
           type: DirectoryOrCreate
        - name: localtime
           path: /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai

13. 创建AlterManager SVC资源

  • kubectl apply -f alertmanager-svc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    name: prometheus
    kubernetes.io/cluster-service: 'true'
  name: alertmanager
  namespace: prometheus
  - name: alertmanager
    nodePort: 30066
    port: 9093
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 9093
    app: prometheus
  sessionAffinity: None
  type: NodePort

14. 测试告警



  • 如上图可以看到,Prometheus的告警信息已经发到AlterManager了,AlertManager收到报警数据后,会将警报信息进行分组,然后根据AlertManager配置的 group_wait 时间先进行等待。等wait时间过后再发送报警信息至钉钉群了!


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